
Generates a secure private key and encodes it as PEM. This resource is primarily intended for easily bootstrapping throwaway development environments.

~> Important Security Notice The private key generated by this resource will be stored unencrypted in your Terraform state file. Use of this resource for production deployments is not recommended. Instead, generate a private key file outside of Terraform and distribute it securely to the system where Terraform will be run.

This is a logical resource, so it contributes only to the current Terraform state and does not create any external managed resources.

Example Usage

resource "tls_private_key" "example" {
    algorithm = "ECDSA"
    ecdsa_curve = "P384"

Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

Attributes Reference

The following attributes are exported:

Generating a New Key

Since a private key is a logical resource that lives only in the Terraform state, it will persist until it is explicitly destroyed by the user.

In order to force the generation of a new key within an existing state, the private key instance can be “tainted”:

terraform taint tls_private_key.example

A new key will then be generated on the next terraform apply.

See the source of this document at Terraform.io